Help Us Beat the Curve
Feeling helpless and want to do SOMETHING? Volunteer!!
a collection OUR Part
What is This All About?
We began this program for those who want to volunteer or learn to sew masks for healthcare workers from home. We have had overwhelmingly positive response and many personal requests.
Since the request of the CDC for the general public to wear a face covering in crowded areas we decided to improve upon this program.
Now in addition to our volunteer program; we are now offering a collection of masks for sale and we will donate a mask of equal value to a healthcare or front-line worker for each purchase made.
Click the side bars to learn more…
Scroll down to see a how to video for our specific kit assembly instructions – and use the downloadable/printable pattern for personal use to make with your own supplies.
About the Kit
Over the last few weeks our time and cutting resources have been directed towards cutting kits for distribution to the local public and have made over 200 packets – containing everything needed to assembling a complete cotton double fold face mask.
How to Pick up...
Sign up with the form below and we will prepare your packet with-in 2 -3 working days. It will be waiting in a box for your pick up.
Pick up located @ 625 N. Sylvania Ave in the back parking lot of the white 2 story building on the corner. They will be in a clear plastic box with a blue lid. A printed form with your name on it will be ready and in the box with in 1 day. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!
How have we added to our program?
Instead having to return the masks you make from your kit; we are now offering the option to distribute them to anyone you choose.
We will continue provide you with the kit and everything you need until we run out.
Who have we helped?
So far we have been able to donate masks to Multiple Harris Hospital units, The Children’s Hospital and have more going to the the COVID unit at Harris again soon. We have also had requests from the Fort Worth JRB and many more.
How we have helped?
We have had a large amount of people requesting to purchase masks. It has been extremely difficult for us turn away people wanting to protect themselves and their families.
Thinking about shortage and the need for PPE forced me to contemplate a better way to produce even more.
We are professionals, this is what we do everyday all day. We are much better served to everyone by bringing our team back to the machines and developing a quality product that helps all involved.